25 Years of Land Recycling

2023 was a big year for the Center for Creative Land Recycling. In addition to celebrating our 25th anniversary, CCLR nearly doubled in size as we brought on new staff and consultants to assist with the revitalization of brownfields into vibrant, safe spaces that enhance the lives of all residents. CCLR was also awarded our 5th EPA Brownfield Technical Assistance program grant, allowing us to extend our initiatives in Regions 9 and 10 through 2028. Additionally, of the communities that applied for either EPA or DTSC grants and received CCLR Technical Assistance, a full 90% were successful in receiving funding, for more than $70 million in assistance to identify, assess and cleanup brownfields for beneficial reuse. Read about all our work, and our plans for 2024 in our Impact Report below.

Read the Report in a new tab or, view it below.

A worker watches as heavy equipment removes two petroleum tanks from a gas station reuse project in Gardnerville Nevada

Land recycling...

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Increases property values and stabilizes the local tax base.

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Improves public health and addresses histories of environmental racism and injustice.

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Provides land for important community assets including affordable housing, commercial space for small businesses, parks, and health infrastructure.

Prevents sprawl, preserves open space, and protects natural resources.

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Reduces carbon footprints and improves climate change resilience.

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Creates clean, health neighborhoods for ALL

2023 Impact

Communities assisted with redevelopment projects
Stakeholders convened through workshops and events
$ 0 M
Secured in funding for brownfield reuse

Partner Organizations

CCLR Supports two grant programs provided by the California Department of Toxic Substances Control, the largest, the Equitable Communities Revitalization Grant, has awarded more than $116 million for the identification, assessment, and cleanup of brownfields within California.

CCLR serves as the Brownfield Technical Assistance Provider (BTAP) for U.S. EPA regions 9 and 10, which include Alaska, Arizona, California, Hawaii, Idaho, Nevada, Oregon and Washington. This service is free for government, tribes, and nonprofits.

Your company or organization can support CCLR by becoming a Member while enjoying benefits like recognition on our website and connecting with our Board and leadership. Join our network! CCLR members share CCLR’s vision for sustainable and equitable reuse that creates clean, healthy and safe neighborhoods for everyone to live, work and play in.

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