
The Center for Creative Land Recycling helps those who have the biggest stake in revitalizing their neighborhoods —including nonprofit housing developers, community-based organizations, and municipalities with limited resources— with their brownfield redevelopment efforts.

Service Area Map highlighting Alaska, Arizona, California, Hawaii, Idaho, Nevada, Oregon and Washington illustrating our EPA and DTSC services

CCLR’s approach to revitalizing communities is unique in that it includes both project-specific and policy level programs, each informing the other for change. CCLR offers a variety of programs and services, both nationally and through a cooperative agreement with EPA Regions 9 and 10.

Through our programs, CCLR is able to provide no-cost technical assistance for brownfield reuse to eligible entities within our service area. To learn more about how we can assist, visit our services page. To get assistance with your land reuse program, click the link below and our land recycling team will connect you with the right expert for your needs.

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U.S. EPA Brownfields Grants & Targeted Assessments

CCLR serves as a Technical Assistance to Brownfield Communities (TAB) Provider to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in regions 9 and 10. In this role, we provide a wide array of independent, expert and cost-free assistance to brownfield communities and practitioners.

California DTSC Equitable Communities Revitalization Grant (ECRG)

The Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC) ECRG is a once-in-a-generation investment in California communities with historic environmental injustices to inventory, investigate and clean up brownfields for beneficial reuse.

California DTSC Technical Assistance Grant (TAG)

The TAG program provides funding to eligible California community organizations near active DTSC cleanup sites to hire and direct an independent technical advisor who can assist with analyzing, interpreting, and communicating complex environmental information.

SDSU’s Center for Community Energy and Environmental Justice (CCEEJ)

CCLR is proud to partner with SDSU and CCEEJ to provide training and other assistance to underserved communities throughout EPA Region 9.

Partner with the Center for Creative Land Recycling

The Center for Creative Land Recycling can join your grant application or program as a primary or sub grantee/contractor. Our decades of land reuse and grant experience make us a valuable partner. Page coming soon

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