$14 Million in Brownfield Funding with Grant Review from CCLR!
CCLR helped secure $14 million in EPA Brownfield funding in Regions 9 and 10
On May 20th, the EPA announced 183 FY24 Multipurpose, Assessment and Cleanup (MAC) grant awardees across the United States. The Center for Creative Land Recycling (CCLR) played a pivotal role in securing a staggering 74% of the funding awarded in EPA regions 9 and 10 – that’s a total of $14 million!
These brownfields grants are crucial for revitalizing underutilized properties, often burdened by potential contamination. Through $233 million in total funding, the EPA is empowering 180 communities to transform these brownfields into vibrant spaces that benefit public health and the environment.
In Regions 9 and 10 a diverse array of communities have received grants. Grantees that CCLR assisted include:
Arizona: The Northern Arizona Council of Governments received a $1,500,000 coalition grant for the Route 66 Coalition, a collection of counties and the Navajo Nation that assists communities left behind when I-40 bypassed their towns.
California: The City of Carson received a $5,000,000 Community Wide Assessment Grant. Carson’s Economic Development Strategic Plan calls for Carson to be a national best-practice leader in brownfield remediation and redevelopment.
Oregon: The City of Sherwood Oregon received a $5,000,000 cleanup grant for the shuttered Frontier Leather Tannery. The site will provide future opportunities for greenspace, public works and emergency operations center, and community space and a resilience hub.
Washington: 80 miles east of Seattle, Forterra NW, a non-profit land trust, won an EPA MAC grant to fund cleanup efforts on Roslyn Number 4 Mine Site. With its $1,779,070 EPA Cleanup grant, Forterra NW can finish its remaining investigation and, eventually, excavate 2,900 cubic yards of heavy metals, arsenic and oil contaminated soil across its 30 acre property.
CCLR: Your Partner in Brownfield Success
At CCLR, we’re passionate about empowering communities to transform brownfields to places people want to work, live and play. Our data speaks volumes: communities who partner with CCLR have double the chance of receiving an EPA brownfield grant. We assist communities with all steps of the brownfield revitalization process including:
- Identifying Creative Funding Solutions: Brownfield redevelopment can require several different funding sources including grants, donations, and loans. CCLR can help match you with these opportunities.
- Grant Application Review: We provide red-lined edits and suggestions to ensure your application is competitive and meets all EPA requirements.
- Grant Management: We advise on the complexities of grant administration, ensuring smooth project execution, and that reporting requirements are met.
- Procurement Advice: We guide you through the procurement process to secure the best resources for your project while complying with federal procurement regulations.
- Technical Report Review: Our team can translate and explain technical reports and advise on your options and best next steps.
“The strength of the applications from the communities we assisted throughout regions 9 and 10 is a testament to their dedication to brownfield revitalization. We’re honored to have played a role in their success.” Said CCLR’s executive director Jean Hamerman, “At CCLR, we’re deeply invested in communities’ land recycling journeys, and we look forward to supporting the new grantees every step of the way as they transform these brownfields into the vibrant places they deserve.”
Double Your Chances of Success with CCLR
Nearly every community has brownfields. From closed gas stations and drycleaners, to farms and factories, and even older buildings with lead and asbestos, EPA brownfield grants can help your community fund the assessment and cleanup of these sites, readying them for new productive uses that benefit your community such as new parks, jobs, and homes for your residents. Engaging with CCLR early on increases your chances of receiving brownfield grants, putting you on the path to success.
Ready to unlock the potential of your community’s brownfield? Let CCLR be your partner in securing EPA funding and embarking on this exciting brownfield revitalization journey! Schedule a meeting and send us your application today! Please email your draft application in MS Word format to [email protected] or [email protected] at least one week prior to the EPA Application Deadline.