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DTSC Equitable Communities Revitalization Grant Success Stories
ECRG tackles environmental harm head-on by funding assessments, investigation and cleanups that support the transformation of brownfields into vital community assets. This video details three success stories from ECRG grantees....
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Plummer Pole Yard: Equitable Brownfield Redevelopment
The City of Plummer Idaho and Coeur d'Alene Tribe have partnered to redevelop a large former brownfield in the center of town. This video details the community engagement and end use planning completed in Summer 2024 through the Center for Creative Land R...
CCLR’s Sustainability Showcase Challenge celebrates climate & community conscious practices in land reuse projects. Innovative use of recycled or reclaimed materials, bioremediation, adapted design, reduced emission building practices, ecosystem protec...
This session focuses on an aspect of brownfield redevelopment that is often overlooked by regulators and service providers - why are brownfields abandoned in the first place? A successful redevelopment outcome requires a thoughtful and accurate diagnosis....
Los Angeles County is at the forefront of a movement for park equity and environmental justice. Amidst the bustling landscape of the nation’s most populous county, a new vision of regeneration is emerging. From the rural Antelope Valley to the dense urb...
Interest is growing nationwide in transforming brownfield sites into affordable housing. This workshop aims to guide participants on how to achieve this, using case studies from Nevada, Arizona, and California to highlight unique challenges and opportunit...
Grant funding is often limited to municipalities, tribes, and nonprofits, but these groups often lack the experience and horsepower to take on a complex Brownfield site. Mr. Squire will present a case study of a municipal public-private partnership where...
Parks are critical for our communities, but 100 million people (including 28 million kids) don’t have access to a park within a 10-minute walk of home. Cities struggle to maintain older parks, as property tax base grows thinner and needs escalate. Who�...
For over 20 years, West Sacramento has been a prime example of actively preparing and implementing a Redevelopment Plan for various City Districts. The session will describe the City’s visioning, financing and funding, assessment, and revitalization pro...
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