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This webinar reviews the impacts of redlining on American cities, and examine how communities can guide the reuse of brownfields to mitigate past harms, eliminate health risks, unravel systemic racism, and move toward equitable, attractive and vibrant com...
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Functional Fungi: Bioremediation Strategies for Brownfields Webinar Recording
CCLR Revitalization Specialist Sebastian Harrison and mycoremediation expert Danielle Stevenson, PhD discuss innovative approaches to brownfield site clean-up, the crucial role fungi can play in healing our 'soils', and Danielle's groundbreaking research ...
From Brownfields 101 to Funding Challenges and Strategies to Best Strategies for Community Engagement, these slides will give you access to the content discussed at the Arizona Brownfields Workshop in Flagstaff....
From Brownfields 101 to Funding Challenges and Strategies to Best Strategies for Community Engagement, these slides will give you access to the content discussed at the Arizona Brownfields Workshops: Connect the Dots....
While brownfields are often negatively perceived, they are also a source of numerous opportunities for community revitalization, economic development, and amenities for residents. Identifying such properties and creating a detailed list of properties with...
The Arizona Brownfields Workshops connect the dots and provide information on resources, funding, challenges, and strategies for redevelopment, leveraging both EPA and other federal and state resources....
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Stacking Up Success: An Introduction to the Art of Brownfield Redevelopment Funding Webinar Recording
While brownfields are often negatively perceived, they are also a source of numerous opportunities for community revitalization, economic development, and amenities for residents. Identifying such properties and creating a detailed list of properties with...
While brownfields are often negatively perceived, they are also a source of numerous opportunities for community revitalization, economic development, and amenities for residents. Identifying such properties and creating a detailed list of properties with...
EPA’s Environmental and Climate Justice (ECJ) Program, created under the Inflation Reduction Act, will infuse a historic $3B investment into communities facing environmental justice concerns. The funding will help underserved and overburdened communitie...
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