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This recorded webinar reviews strategies for crafting a compelling and competitive EPA Brownfields application. Our experts share proven strategies, insider tips and best practices to help you increase your chances in securing an EPA FY24 Brownfields Gran...
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Building the Path: Maximizing Assessment in Preparation for Cleanup – Recording
This webinar presented the tools to plan a comprehensive assessment scope of work that includes elements like site characterization, evaluation of cleanup alternatives, as well as planning for regulatory oversight. ...
In this webinar, CCLR, WA Department of Ecology, and Alaska DEC guided current and new brownfields practitioners on how to maximize the activities conducted under an assessment grant to be better prepared to clean-up or market the property to a developer....
EPA subcontractors, Adaapta and ICF, discussed the broad spectrum of report types: redevelopment strategy action plans, market studies, highest and best use analyses, conceptual site designs, development and operating pro formas, funding matrices, etc. an...
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Reuse Reports Roundup: Practical Financial and Planning Reports for Brownfield Redevelopment Decision Making – Recording
This webinar provided an in-depth tour of the myriad of technical assistance reports you can, and should, leverage to inform your redevelopment decision making. After watching this recording of the webinar, you’ll come away understanding the benefits an...
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ECRGathering Feedback Session Recording 5/2/2023
Over the past few months, DTSC’s Office of Brownfields has been coordinating and collaborating with stakeholders to enhance ECRG in an effort to provide the highest and best service to the vulnerable communities that we serve. ...
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ECRGathering Feedback Session Recording 5/9/2023
Over the past few months, DTSC’s Office of Brownfields has been coordinating and collaborating with stakeholders to enhance ECRG in an effort to provide the highest and best service to the vulnerable communities that we serve. ...
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Vibrant Communities Rise from Vacant Lands Webinar Series – Part 3 Recording
During this webinar, we heard from India Basin Equitable Development Plan Program Manager, Joshua Silver, about the India Basin Waterfront Park - a brownfield cleanup and reuse 10 years in the making. Silver shared strategies for community engagement, vis...
This webinar explored land reuse success stories. We heard from India Basin Equitable Development Plan Program Manager, Joshua Silver, about the India Basin Waterfront Park - a brownfield cleanup and reuse 10 years in the making. Silver shared strategies ...
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