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Vibrant Communities Rise from Vacant Lands Webinar Series – Part 2 Recording
Part Two of the Vacant to Vibrant virtual series helped identify who to bring into your land reuse team, how to access technical assistance, and where to start your funding search....
This interactive session helped identify who to bring into your land reuse team, how to access technical assistance, and where to start your funding search....
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Vibrant Communities Rise from Vacant Lands Webinar Series – Part 1 Recording
Hear firsthand from community member Deacon Claude Luster on how a challenging underutilized property can transform into an opportunity for your community during the collaborative webinar between EPA Region 9 and CCLR....
Local issues like public health, crime, contamination, and food and housing insecurity can be addressed by reusing idle sites. Hear firsthand from community member Deacon Claude Luster on how a challenging underutilized property can transform into an oppo...
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Charging Forward: Revitalizing Underutilized Sites into EV Charging Stations Recording
This webinar walks you through how to identify underutilized and potentially contaminated sites with EV charging potential, access available funding, and provides real-world examples from East Bay Community Energy’s ambitious EV charging infrastructure ...
This webinar walks you through how to identify underutilized and potentially contaminated sites with EV charging potential, access available funding, and provides real-world examples from East Bay Community Energy’s ambitious EV charging infrastructure ...
This PDF contains slides from the ECRGenius: Eligibility Self-Check Tool webinar hosted by DTSC and CCLR....
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ECRGenius Application Series: Eligibility Self-Check Tool Recording
The ECRG Eligibility Self-Check Tool webinar answered important questions about eligibility, documentation, and provided advice to help you prepare for success in Round 2 of the ECRG program. ...
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Enhance Your Chance: What You Need to Know to be Competitive in the FY23 EPA MARC Grant Competition Recording
Watch the recording to hear special considerations for each type of application, hints for writing each section of the Narrative/Ranking Criteria, and TAB tools and resources available to assist with optimizing your applications....
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