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The Fund provides reimbursement to the qualified storage tank owner/operators for corrective action costs associated with cleaning up petroleum product releases. Contact: Valerie King, 775-687-9374, [email protected]...
The Nevada Brownfields Program operates an $800,000 revolving loan fund (RLF) to assist property owners or developers cover clean-up costs for sites with environmental contamination. Contact: Alyssa Krag-Arnold, 775-687-9378, [email protected]...
(IDRBs) are a type of tax-exempt municipal bond/public debt instrument. Proceeds are utilized by private manufacturing companies interested in locating a facility in Nevada or expanding an existing Nevada-based business. Contact: 775-684-2999...
Land and Water Conservation Fund (LWCF) grant is provided on a 50/50 matching basis to individual projects. Submitted through the Nevada Division of State Parks to the National Park Service for approval. Contact: Heather Giger, 775-684-2784, hgiger@parks....
Clearinghouse CDFI is a full-service, direct lender financing projects that create jobs & services to help people work, live, dream, grow, & thrive in healthy communities. Contact: 949-525-4976, [email protected]...
Access to capital by small businesses and community development organizations engaged in economic development and affordable housing, halt community deterioration, and create jobs. Contact: Dutch Haarsma, 208-348-5481, [email protected]...
The Idaho Gem Grant Program (IGG) provides assistance to rural communities for the planning and implementation of economic development projects. Grants are focused on job creation and retention. Contact: 208-287-0780 or visit link....
The Rural Community Investment Fund (RCIF) program provides funds to rural areas in support of economic expansion and job creation. Contact: 208-334-2470 or visit link....
Grants given for projects that benefit community beautification and public recreation in southeastern Idaho with primary emphasis on landscaping and beautification projects. Deadlines of March 15 and August 15. ...
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