Find whatever you need from CCLR Resource Guide
This guide provides strategies, tools, and resources for advancing environmental justice and equity in land reuse projects for local governments, tribes and non-profit organizations....
Superior Arizona’s Brownfield Journey
Superior is a small, historic town in Arizona that is tackling blight through a comprehensive plan that starts with brownfield funding. See how this charming community is revitalizing its historic High School to serve as a new town hub and taking care of ...
Capping involves placing a cover over contaminated material such as landfill waste or contaminated soil. This guide provides information on brownfield caps for the general public...
This fact sheet is intended to help guide whether ANCSA conveyed contaminated sites may be eligible for EPA Brownfield funding, but EPA and/or Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation (ADEC) will determine the eligibility of each site and applicant...
Have you ever wanted to quantify the potential or observed impact of a brownfields project? Read this recent publication from EPA....
This is a successful EPA Revolving Loan Fund Grant application submitted by the City of Kansas City, MO....
Successful EPA Revolving Loan Fund Grant Example – Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality, LA
This is a successful EPA Revolving Loan Fund Grant application submitted by the Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality, LA....
This is a successful EPA Revolving Loan Fund Grant application submitted by the Port of Greater Cincinnati Development Authority, OH....
Introduction to Brightfields: Opportunities and Technical Assistance Available to Reuse Brownfields & Landfills for Clean Energy
Do you have a large brownfield or landfill in your community that you’d like to convert into clean energy? Watch this recording for an Introduction to Brightfields! Brightfields are previously used or potentially contaminated land that is reused for ren...