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Join CCLR September 17-19 in Carson, CA for the 5th California Land Recycling Conference (CALRC) and connect with a diversity of practitioners dedicated to sustainable land reuse. Our 2024 theme, From the Ground Up, reflects the hope inherent in brownfiel...
April is a beautiful time in Arizona that, to me, is characterized by the yellow of the palo verde and brittlebush wildflowers. Now the month will also be characterized by brown, as in brownfields. Between April 23 and 25, CCLR logged more than 500 miles ...
During a blustery November snowstorm in Anchorage, 14 of the State’s Tribal Response/Brownfields Programs gathered for the Alaska State and Tribal Response Program (STRP) Workshop hosted by the Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation’s Brownfi...
Nevada is a state of extremes. From the hustle and bustle of Las Vegas to ‘The Loneliest Road in America’, Highway 50 which stretches from Baker to Dayton in Northern Nevada, passing through several small towns on its way across the Great Basin Desert...
The following post is a background for the California Land Recycling Conference Photo Gallery: Disappearing Portals: A View to Historic Brownfields. Register for CALRC. Many historians will point to America’s Bicentennial as the springboard of the histo...
The following post includes information from a case study that will be shared at CALRC 2023. Register for CALRC In 2021 the Dixie Fire destroyed more than 1,000 structures in Plumas County, California. In 2023 the Sierra Institute is supporting redevelopm...
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