Brownfields in Paradise? ʻOiaʻiʻo
What do Maui and Kauai counties have in common?
Powder beaches, striking landscapes, cultural treasures, and definitely, brownfields.
With its partners, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), and the State of Hawaii Department of Health, Hazard Evaluation and Emergency Response Office (DOH-HEER), CCLR convened workshops on July 10 and 12 to inform and share among key policymakers, county staff and stakeholders, the brownfields challenges and solutions in Hawai’i. As a follow up to a workshop in Hilo last year, during these workshops, many misperceptions were clarified.
– Hawai’I does have brownfields. Outside Honolulu, the brownfields are comprised on small infill sites, agriculture areas and former (and hidden threats from) sugar mills, of which there were many and vast.
– DOH-HEER has a sophisticated brownfields program.
– The state is a pioneer in multi-incremental sampling that is far more cost- and time-efficient than traditional methods.
– A historian searches records and interviews residents and former workers to assure that the community is protected from hidden threats.
– The community outreach to sister public agencies and communities is improving confidence in health and safety during redevelopment.
Hawai’i is among the leaders in environmental sustainability, and cultural and historical awareness. By leveraging brownfields tools, the public agency, non-profit and private stakeholders are gearing up to take advantage of state and Federal programs to create partnerships and leverage their own efforts.
CCLR thanks all the speakers and participants, and looks forward to assisting them obtaining technical assistance and grants.
The agendas and presentations for both workshops follow below. To view the powerpoint presentations, please click the speakers name. Speakers with available presentations are underlined.
For event pictures, visit CCLR’s Facebook.
Kauai County Brownfields Redevelopment Workshop
⋅ Bernard P. Carvalho, Jr.; Mayor, County of Kauai
⋅ Keith Kawaoka, DOH, Deputy Director for Environmental Health
Overview of State Environmental Management in Hawaii
⋅ Fenix Grange, Program Manager, Hazard Evaluation and Emergency Response Office (HEER)
⋅ Gerald Takamura, DOH Kauai District Health Officer
Brownfields Basics and the Hawai’i Environmental Response Law (Panel)
⋅ Fenix Grange, Program Manager, HEER Office
⋅ Noemi Emeric-Ford, Brownfields Program, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
⋅ Melody Calisay, HDOH, Brownfields Redevelopment Coordinator
⋅ Roger Brewer, HDOH, Risk Assessor
Illustrative Hawaii Brownfields Redevelopment Projects
⋅ Roger Brewer, HDOH, Risk Assessor
⋅ Melody Calisay, Brownfields Redevelopment Coordinator
Kauai Brownfields Redevelopment Stakeholders (Panel Discussion)
⋅ Lee Steinmetz, Transportation and Planning Officer, Office of Planning
⋅ George Costa, Director, Office of Economic Development
⋅ Kanani Fu, Director, County of Kauai Housing Agency
⋅ Lyle Tabata, Director, Public Works
⋅ Speaker: Darrell Ing
General Grant and Financing Opportunities Panel Discussion
⋅ Noemi Emeric-Ford, Brownfields Program, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
⋅ Ignacio Dayrit, Programs Director, California Center for Land Recycling
Kauai Brownfields Redevelopment Projects Discussion and/or Grant Writing Primer Options: Site-specific round table discussions
⋅ Ignacio Dayrit, Programs Director, California Center for Land Recycling
Maui County Brownfields Redevelopment Workshop
⋅ Mayor Alan Arakawa; Mayor, County of Maui
⋅ Keith Kawaoka, DOH, Deputy Director for Environmental Health
Overview of State Environmental Management in Hawaii
⋅ Fenix Grange, Program Manager, Hazard Evaluation and Emergency Response Office (HEER)
⋅ Dr. Lorrin Pang, M.D., DOH Maui District Health Officer
Brownfields Basics and the Hawai’i Environmental Response Law (Panel)
⋅ Fenix Grange, Program Manager, HEER Office
⋅ Noemi Emeric-Ford, Brownfields Program, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
⋅ Melody Calisay, HDOH, Brownfields Redevelopment Coordinator
⋅ Roger Brewer, HDOH, Risk Assessor
Illustrative Hawaii Brownfields Redevelopment Projects
⋅ Roger Brewer, HDOH, Risk Assessor
⋅ Melody Calisay, Brownfields Redevelopment Coordinator
Maui Brownfields Redevelopment Stakeholders (Panel Discussion)
⋅ Michele McLean, Director, Planning Department
⋅ Robert Parsons, Environmental Coordinator, Office of Economic Development
⋅ Speaker: Darrell Ing
General Grant and Financing Opportunities Panel Discussion
⋅ Noemi Emeric-Ford, Brownfields Program, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
⋅ Ignacio Dayrit, Programs Director, California Center for Land Recycling
Maui Brownfields Redevelopment Projects Discussion and/or Grant Writing Primer
⋅ Ignacio Dayrit, Programs Director, California Center for Land Recycling