Jan 23, 2019
California Land Recycling Conference October 24, 2018 “Hit Me With Your Best Shot”: Perfect Your Pitch
Richmond | Compton | Stockton | Bell Gardens | Redondo Beach | |
Address | 820 23rd St. | 2815-2875, 2901 W. Alondra | 705, 833, 855 W. Weber Avenue | 5600-5636 Shull Avenue | 1100 North Harbor Dr. |
# Acres | .876 | 17.9 | 9.12 | 4.3 | 50 |
Sq Ft buildings on site | 36,500, dilapidated | None | None | None | 3 powerplants, one decommissioned 20 years ago |
Prior use | Hospital | Landfill | Ag warehouses and storage with a rail spur | Asphalt mixing, oil distribution, ASTs, truck storage, manufacturing | 3 power plants and 5 fuel oil storage tanks plus a switch yard with high voltage power lines |
Ownership | Private | Successor Agency | Municipality | Municipality | AES Redondo Beach LLC, a wholly owned subsidiary of AES, Inc. |
Infrastructure | Yes – public transit | No – all costs will be assumed by private developer | Yes – public transit, municipal sewer and water, 3-phase electricity, roadways, natural gas | Yes – municipal sewer, water, 3-phase electricity, roadways and natural gas | Yes – municipal sewer, water, 3-phase electricity and natural gas |
Zoning | Public, cultural and institutional, surrounded by commercial mixed use, commercial emphasis | Low-density residential | General industrial with a general plan update for mixed use and office. | Manufacturing | Generating plant |
Population | 109,813 | 97,550 | 139,862 within a 3-mile radius | 42,000 | 70,000 |
Remediation | No testing yet | No testing yet | Phase 1 complete | Phase II complete | No testing yet |
Special considerations | Surrounded by single family residential and two parks within 1000 feet of the site. | Features well-lit, paved pedestrian promenade with landscaping and seating. Nearby boat launch. Located in downtown Stockton with high concentration of government employers. | This property is is in a transitional zone, and can easily be developed as industrial, residential, or green space. DTSC completed a Targeted Site Investigation Report that recommends against residential housing, although the site can be cleaned to a level that would support a residential use. | This property front King Harbor, and has access the beach of Hermosa across the street. Views are stunning. Highly desirable site for investors but cautions due to existing park zoning that requires a public vote to change. | |
Desired Reuse | Mixed use/Housing | Commercial, industrial | Mixed use | Housing, mixed use, commercial, industrial | Community has voted for a park here numerous times in the last 13 years |
Priority outcomes | Housing | Jobs, increased tax revenue, higher property values | Increased tax revenue, higher property values | Increased tax revenue, jobs, housing | Reduced health risks, higher tax revenue, increased property values |
Public engagement | Community has not been involved | Community has not been involved | Community provided comments in response to local government or developer proposals | The site was originally acquired as part of planned redevelopment project, but it never materialized. There hasn’t been any significant public outreach or involvement at this point. | Community has led the effort on this site and resisted efforts led by others on this site |
Additional Materials
– Request for Interest
– Presentation
Redondo Beach
-Power Plant Video
– Presentation
Bell Gardens
– About Bell Gardens
– Bell Gardens Zoning Map
– USC Case Study of Berk Oil Site, Bell Gardens
– Bell Gardens demographic Info
– Bell Gardens Presentation