Dispatches from the California Land Recycling Conference
On October 24 and 25th, CCLR, DTSC and US EPA convened over 250 redevelopment stakeholders for an intensive two-day land recycling workshop. From pitch competitions, office hours, mobile tours and an after hours brownfields karaoke sing-a-long, the conference was packed with networking, learning, and a bit of fun.
“CCLR has put together a comprehensive conference that was both an event and an educational experience, both serious and fun, an admirable achievement in these most challenging of times” – Lois Arkin, Los Angeles Eco-Village
The two-day conference offered 27 sessions in total–four plenary sessions and 23 break-out sessions. Sessions in break-out rooms allowed participants to choose one of four tracks:
– Technical: Sessions in this track covered specific topics in remediation and risk assessment, including vapor intrusion, landfill redevelopment, multi-incremental sampling and DTSC’s Human and Ecological Risk Office (HERO).
– Legal and Regulatory: Sessions in this track covered working with state and federal regulators, current regulatory issues, available state and federal funding sources, and pursuing funding for redevelopment projects.
– Development Support: Development support sessions addressed the many issues that lie beyond assessment and cleanup, and that can make or break a brownfield redevelopment project. Topics include climate change, liability, financing, strategy and conflict resolution.
– Hot Topics and Case Studies: We learn best through stories. This track spotlighted case studies and topical discussions on housing, green infrastructure, transit-oriented development, solar energy, areawide planning and community-led redevelopment projects
Conference hall during welcome plenary
Exhibitor Hall
Sixteen exhibitors displayed materials and resources at the exhbitior hall.
– Langan
– Eki Environment & Water, Inc.
– Greenberg Traurig
– SCS Engineers
– Capitol Environmental
– Environmental Liability Transfer (ELT)
– Ninyo and Moore
– Stantec
– Apex Companies
– Ramboll
– PeroxyChem
– Terra Petra
– Orion Environmental, Inc.
– California DTSC
– Shell
California Land Recycling Conference Exhibitor Hall
Office Hours
US EPA, CCLR, DTSC, NDC and Creative Insight Community Development experts were available for one-on-one consultations with attendees on October 25th. These office hours allowed attendees to connect with experts about specific redevelopment questions and projects.
Bus Tours
To showcase local examples, CCLR also organized two bus tours on October 25, 2018.
– Tour 1 featured the Porsche Experience Center, Cal Compact Landfill, Victoria Links Golf Course and Dominguez Gap Wetlands.
– Tour 2 featured sites including the Stubhub Center, The Center for Sustainable Communities, and Wishing Tree Park / Del Amo Superfund Site.
Program booklet
Conference survey
Event Photos
Pitch Competition Site Information