Follow CCLR at NBC!
Have you bought your ticket to LA yet? This year’s National Brownfields Conference (NBC) is shaping up to be informative, impactful, and inspiring. CCLR will have a strong presence at NBC, and an incredible line-up of panels and events!
We’ll be repping redevelopment with some tried and true standbys like the Redevelopment Rodeo and Brownfields Leadership Breakfast, and spotlighting how timely topics like nuclear decommissioning and climate change intersect with land recycling. Furthermore, to pay homage to our host state, we’ll be discussing topics that are California-based but yield lessons and best practices that cross state lines. Don’t miss our discussion of LA’s landmark sustainability plan in “OurCounty: Los Angeles Countywide Sustainability Plan, for Equity, Resilience & Public Health,” as well as an affiliate panel that explores how creative local and state redevelopment financing programs work to “Incentivize Land Reuse in the Golden State.”
Have we piqued your interest yet?
We’re not afraid to get our hands dirty and tackle challenging and unorthodox topics. In “The High Hanging Fruit: Harder to Reach but Still Oh So Sweet” we’ll explore how to deal with the dirtiest sites and consider if a brownfields approach — integrating redevelopment and remediation — can be applied to superfund, RCRA, and TSCA remediation programs. We’ll also show how the private sector can help lead community revitalization initiatives in “Legacy Brownfields: Corporate Leadership in Revitalizing Brownfields for Community Renewal.”
There’s a lot to absorb, but you don’t necessarily have to do it sitting down. If you want to get up, get moving, and see land recycling in action, join one of our mobile workshops. CCLR’s indelible Ignacio Dayrit will be your guide on two tours: one to LA’s Porsche Experience Center and Dignity Health Sports Park to witness redevelopment in the fast lane; and the second to three affordable housing developments to explore how developers, coupled with effective state and local programs, are working to make LA housing more equitable and inclusive.
We know you’ll go to NBC to hear what’s new, what’s coming, and what’s possible in brownfields redevelopment, but after long days of listening and thinking, the last thing you’ll want to do is stay silent. Chat (and sing!) with fellow practitioners and land recycling gurus at CCLR’s Brownfields Networking Happy Hour and Sing-Along. Unwind with refreshments and land recycling-themed parodies set to tunes that span decades. Select titles include:
- “The CERCLA of Life,” based on “The Circle of Life” by Elton John and Tim Rice
- “What’s LUC Got to Do With It,” based on “What’s Love Got to Do With It” performed by Tina Turner
- “Rebuild Your City,” based on “We Built This City” by Starship
- and MANY more.
Whether you attend NBC for the deluge of land recycling info and updates, the stellar networking opportunities, or you simply cannot miss our sing-along, follow CCLR at NBC and you’ll leave satisfied with your experience.
Check out our full line-up of activities below and follow us on twitter at @LandRecycling #CCLRatNBC2019