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The California Land Recycling Conference 2020 (CALRC 2020) is an invaluable virtual gathering that brings together leaders who are working to build community resilience through brownfield remediation and land recycling...
Now in its fifth year, CCLR’s Redevelopment Summit is the largest convening of community, municipal and redevelopment professionals focused on the beneficial reuse of blighted properties. Experts and practitioners will provide professional guidance...
There’s always a flurry of activity at CCLR and we want to make sure we’re keeping you current with CCLR’s activities. Read on for the first of 2020's noteworthy news items!...
At the National Brownfields Training Conference in December, CCLR honored three outstanding brownfield redevelopment practitioners with National Brownfields Leadership Awards, given only every two years at the National Brownfields Conference...
The Redevelopment Rodeo rides again at Brownfields 2019! The Center for Creative Land Recycling (CCLR), New Jersey Institute of Technology (NJIT), Kansas State University (KSU), and Brownfield Listings are uniting to bring you another herd of brownfields...
CCLR convened over 175 land-reuse and community development practitioners from the non-profit, public, and private sectors for “Urban Redevelopment: Building Stronger Communities” this November in Brooklyn...