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Sustainability, resilience and livability are prominent issues in our daily lives, and are important in how and what we plan for our communities. Climate change is at the root of these issues...
This year’s National Brownfields Conference (NBC) is shaping up to be informative, impactful, and inspiring. CCLR will have a strong presence at NBC, and an incredible line-up of panels and events!...
This December, the Center for Creative Land Recycling (CCLR) and partners New Jersey Institute of Technology (NJIT), Kansas State University (KSU) and Brownfield Listings are uniting to bring you another herd of brownfields...
The Center for Creative Land Recycling hosted its 4th Annual NYS Redevelopment Summit: Pathways to Revitalization June 11th and 12th, 2019. The Summit was CCLR’s largest Annual Summit to date...
The Highlands Council, the Center for Creative Land Recycling, and the NJ Brownfields Interagency Working Group united to host a brownfields workshop to provide municipalities in the Highlands and redevelopment professionals active guidance...
Submit your property to present in the Pitch Panel at CCLR's 4th Annual New York State Redevelopment Summit in June, 2019. Developers will give feedback on your pitch and marketing materials to help you gain perspective on the steps you can take...