The Rodeo Rides Again – Expert Wranglers and Bold Riders Wrestle the Toughest Brownfield Beasts
Dust off your hat, grab your boots and saddle up, because the Redevelopment Rodeo rides again at Brownfields 2019! The Center for Creative Land Recycling (CCLR), New Jersey Institute of Technology (NJIT), Kansas State University (KSU) and Brownfield Listings are partnering to bring you another thundering herd of rough and ready brownfields. The Rodeo rides in room 515A on December 11th from 2:15pm to 4:30pm .
A seasoned panel of Redevelopment Wranglers will probe our three presenting “Riders” for information about the hidden possibilities and pitfalls of their properties, and provide industry-best technical know-how to overcome roadblocks en route to revitalization. Our Wranglers come from the public and private sectors, and have decades of experience between them.
Redevelopment Wranglers:
- Matt Winefield, President, Winefield and Associates (Long Beach, CA)
- Colleen Kokas, Executive Vice President, Environmental Liability Transfer (St Louis, MO)
- Lee Hoffman, Attorney, Pullman & Comley (Hartford, CT)
- Dave Wilmoth, Senior Environmental Public Health Program Administrator, Department of Environmental Health (Denver, CO)
Roughest Toughest Brownfield Bulls and Their Riders:
Duofold Site: Ilion, NY (Bull Name: SweetPro’s Bruiser). This Central New York State property is situated along the Erie Canal Corridor, midway between Albany and Syracuse and is close to major transit thoroughfares. It consists of 10.7 acres with 134,000 sq. ft. of buildings with public water/sewer and is suited for mixed-use commercial development. Also, due to the low-cost municipal power ($.03/KW) and redundant high-speed fiber, the site would be well suited for artificial intelligence, cyber security, and quantum computing. Tax credits, PILOTs, and other incentives are available. With EPA funds a Phase I assessment was recently completed, a Phase II has started, along with some remediation. Presented by John J. Piseck, Executive Director, Herkimer County IDA.
Contract Plating site, Stratford, CT (Bull name: Code Blue). This 10.5 acre parcel has been vacant and underutilized for the past 25 years. The property is currently secured and under select remedial action with $2.85 million in grants from CT’s Department of Community & Economic Development. The site, which abuts a Superfund site, is located in a desirable area for commercial use, with proximity to US Route 1 and Interstate 95. Success would mean bringing the property back on the tax roles and creating light industrial jobs. Presented by Kelly F. Kerrigan, Town of Stratford.
Blue Heron Mill site, Oregon City, Oregon (Bull Name: Ikanum). The Confederated Tribes of Grand Ronde (CTGR) own this 23‐acre site with over 500,000 square feet of building space and views of magnificent Willamette Falls. Access to the site is at the intersection of Main St. and Highway 99E, at the southern end of downtown Oregon City. CTGR intends to pursue a mixed-use redevelopment of the property, which includes rehabilitating the site and rebuilding tribal homelands by investing in natural and cultural resources that were and are central to the Tribe, its history, and its future. The property is in a qualified federal Opportunity Zone. Presented by Jesse White, Stacia Hernandez and Jennifer Biesack of The Confederated Tribes of Grand Ronde (CTGR).
Saddle up and join us on December 11th from 2:15pm to 4:30pm in room 515A for this unique multidisciplinary, multi-sector roundup. Attendees will vote for “Best Presentation” and “Most Likely to Succeed” and discuss in groups how to allocate $1,000,000 to each of these projects.
Prize packages for these three Riders will exceed $15,000 in pro bono expertise to help them break their bucking brownfields. Yee haw!