Building the Path: Maximizing Assessment in Preparation for Cleanup
CCLR Webinars

Building the Path: Maximizing Assessment in Preparation for Cleanup

Wednesday, July 19th | 11 AM - 12:15 PM PT

Do you have a brownfields property stuck between assessment and cleanup? If so, this webinar is for you! CCLR will guide current and new brownfields practitioners on how to maximize the activities conducted under an assessment grant to be better prepared to clean-up or market the property to a developer. This webinar will present the tools to plan a comprehensive assessment scope of work that includes elements like site characterization, evaluation of cleanup alternatives, as well as planning for regulatory oversight. These steps are needed to build the path to cleanup and can be conducted under the assessment phase. Being direct about your needs during the assessment will save you time and money when working towards cleanup. Speakers Tena Seeds, Environmental Engineer for the Washington Department of Ecology; Marc Thomas, Brownfields Coordinator for the Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation; and CCLR’s Senior Brownfields Consultant: Tamara Cardona-Marek, will discuss how to design your assessment, conceptual site models, the general steps of the cleanup process, and available funding mechanisms.

This will also build on the past webinar: “It’s Just a Phase: Analyze and Utilize a Phase II Environmental Site Assessment” which discussed when a Phase II ESA is needed, key components, potential outcomes and how to apply findings to promote project success. If you’d like to learn more regarding Phase II ESAs prior to attending this webinar, review the recording here.


Tamara Cardona-Marek, PhD
Senior Brownfield Consultant | CCLR
Tamara Cardona-Marek joined CCLR after 15 years working in state government. Most recently she worked for the WA State Department of Ecology on the development of the Affordable Housing Cleanup Grant Program, a new effort to fund cleanups of Brownfields for reuse as affordable housing. These cleanups are focused on providing a benefit to communities by reducing displacement and gentrification. Tamara is also experienced in cleanup oversight as she supervised the team leading the state portion of the Lower Duwamish Waterway cleanup in WA.
Tena Seeds, PE
Environmental Engineer | Washington Department of Ecology
Tena Seeds is a licensed professional engineer and cleanup site manager at the Washington State Department of Ecology. She works in Ecology’s Toxics Cleanup Program, providing formal oversight of remedial investigations and cleanup actions at contaminated sites under legal agreements with liable parties. Tena was an environmental consultant for over 20 years before transitioning to the role of regulator with Washington State. She earned a BS degree in Civil Engineering at the University of Washington and has over 25 years of experience working in investigation and cleanup of contaminated properties throughout Region 10.
Marc Thomas
Brownfields Coordinator | Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation
Marc Thomas joined the Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation (ADEC) in 2019 and is the manager of the ADEC Brownfields Program. Marc, along with the ADEC Brownfields Team, manages site-specific brownfields assessment and cleanup projects, provides technical support to the Alaskan brownfields community, and develops an array of outreach and technical training for brownfields stakeholders. Prior to moving to Alaska, Marc worked in US EPA's Office of Land and Emergency Management for 14 years in a variety of positions, including as team lead for the RE-Powering America's Land Initiative. In his free time, Marc loves spending time hiking and exploring around Juneau with his wife and two girls.
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