Tribal Lands and Environment Forum: Building Success with TA & Vision to Actions
CCLR Programming

Tribal Lands and Environment Forum: Building Success with TA & Vision to Actions

August 12, 2024 - August 15, 2024

CCLR’s very own Senior Brownfield Redevelopment Consultant Joy Britt, MPH and Senior Program Associate Devyn Rainwater will be attending the Tribal Lands and Environment Forum (TLEF) and speaking at two sessions: Building Success: Navigating Land Reuse and Brownfields Redevelopment with Technical Assistance Support and 20/20 Vision: Set Your Sites on a Vision to Action. Be sure to also visit Joy and Devyn at the CCLR exhibitor booth to make some great connections and receive free swag.

TLEF is hosting its fourteenth annual event for environmental professionals from Tribes, USEPA, State/Local/Federal agencies, community organizations, and other interested parties to meet, share knowledge, and learn from one another how to improve management, protection, and restoration of Tribal lands. Read about CCLR’s sessions below!

Tuesday, August 13 | 10:30 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. PT: Building Success: Navigating Land Reuse and Brownfields Redevelopment with Technical Assistance Support

We get it, brownfields redevelopment can be confusing and challenging. But don’t get discouraged! There are resources and a number of technical assistance (TA) providers out there who can help you navigate the land reuse landscape free of charge. In this session we’ll discuss the types of technical assistance available for brownfield grants and reuse (including introducing some new TA providers!), outline the specific services they provide, and share case studies that demonstrate how Tribal communities can leverage TA providers’ experience, networks, and resources to support their revitalization initiatives.

Land reuse is a team sport so don’t leave us on the bench! You’ll walk away from this session with a clear understanding of who to contact, how to contact them, and when it’s appropriate/most advantageous to do so.

Wednesday, August 14 | 8:30 a.m. – 10:00 PT: 20/20 Vision: Set Your Sites on a Vision to Action

Brownfield projects pose unique challenges, often lacking a clear redevelopment path. The Vision To Action (V2A) process uses established community planning methods to engage stakeholders—including municipal staff, residents, and business owners—in workshops. Here, they set goals, visualize development concepts, evaluate alternatives, and formulate a strategy for redevelopment.

The Center for Creative Land Recycling (CCLR) introduces the four-step V2A process in this session, explaining its goals, significance, and readiness requirements. Additionally, the session will cover a current V2A project in Plummer, Idaho. A representative from the Coeur d’Alene Tribe will join us to share their experience thus far. The case study will illustrate how V2A mobilizes community involvement by envisioning reuse and creating actionable plans.


Joy Britt, MPH | CCLR

Senior Brownfield Redevelopment Consultant

Joy spent the last 15 years working with rural communities on public and environmental health, from tobacco cessation to power cost equalization of rural electric utilities. Her expertise includes project development and management, grant and proposal writing, strategic planning, stakeholder engagement, and event facilitation. Joy finds passion in innovative ways to engage communities and bring attention to brownfields redevelopment. She currently serves as the Alaska representative on the national Tribal Waste and Response Steering Committee and the National Environmental Justice Advisory Committee, where she can be a voice for Alaska’s unique environmental challenges. Since 2018, Joy has been President of the Alaska Environmental Health Association, connecting environmental professionals across her great state.

Devyn Rainwater | CCLR

Senior Program Associate

Devyn Rainwater graduated from UC Santa Cruz with a degree in Environmental Studies and Global Environmental Justice. She is a dedicated advocate of environmental and social justice and has worked on projects which highlight the intersectional issues of environmental protection, human rights, and community activism. She has served as website coordinator for a team building the first online platform for the Chilean activist group Dignidad Incan to support their fight against invasive mining corporations and co-created the first Journal of Global Environmental Justice at UC Santa Cruz, for which she was also an editor. Devyn brings her strengths in administration and project development to CCLR.

Gina Baughn | Coeur d’Alene Tribe

Clean Lands Coordinator

Since 2010, Gina has spent the greater part of her career working in Education and Outreach for the Coeur d’Alene Tribe’s Natural Resources Department. In October of 2023, her passion for environmental stewardship led her to her new role as the Clean Lands Coordinator (khwek’ wu’ lumkhw) for the Tribe’s Environmental Programs office. Her key role is in managing the Tribe’s State and Tribal Response Program (STRP), managing cleanup of Brownfields sites on the reservation. This new role enables Gina to share in a vision, in which the Tribe achieves long-term energy sovereignty—a goal that benefits not only the present community but also the many generations to come. To realize this, she actively seeks out partnerships that help to envision and support green, climate-friendly redevelopment initiatives at current clean-up sites.


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66 E 6th Ave, Eugene, OR 97401
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