Justfields: Elevate your Land Reuse Initiatives with New Environmental Justice Funding
EPA’s Environmental and Climate Justice (ECJ) Program, created under the Inflation Reduction Act, will infuse a historic $3B investment into communities facing environmental justice concerns. The funding will help underserved and overburdened communities take action and implement initiatives that support the health, wellbeing, and resilience of their neighborhoods. Each of the new funding opportunities includes eligible activities that support land reuse and brownfields redevelopment.
Join this important conversation where we will articulate the intersections between brownfields funding and ECJ funding. Attendees will learn how to effectively leverage ECJ funding to support their communities’ revitalization initiatives and mitigate past environmental injustices. Speakers from EPA’s Office of Brownfields and Land Revitalization (OBLR) and the Office of Environmental Justice and External Civil Rights (OEJECR) will:
- Outline available and upcoming ECJ funding including the Community Change Grants and Thriving Communities EJ Subgrants;
- Spotlight eligible activities that are particularly relevant to land reuse;
- Identify CERCLA 104(k) and 128(a) limitations that can potentially be addressed with ECJ funding;
- And consider financial layering opportunities that maximize the potential of redevelopment initiatives and support project momentum.
Meet the moment with us! This level of investment doesn’t come around every day. Join us March 7th to learn more about this invaluable opportunity!
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