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Over the years, there has been a noticeable increase in the number of abandoned properties in Puerto Rico. Unfortunately, many of these sites function as illegal dumps and cause social, economic, and environmental problems...
When is soil just “dirt”, when is it a waste, and when is it a resource? The answer may be in the eye of the beholder...
After Hurricane Harvey, Paul Krugman asked, “Why can’t we get cities right?” Perhaps it’s because when we imagine a sustainable city, we are imagining something none of us has ever experienced, as Azby Brown notes in his 2009 book Just Enough: ...
In the blog post that follows, we’re highlighting one of CCLR’s sponsors. I remember taking yard waste to the Santa Clara landfill as a teenager, something you would obviously compost today…landfill redevelopment is the ultimate form of land rec...
The city of Redwood City, California is considering a large development project on a portion of the former Cargill Salt Ponds. Would this location be considered an infill site? – Yvette B, Community Member The first step in determining whether or not a ...
I am working on a project involving the remediation of brownfields and vacant industrial parks. I was wondering about the details of capping contaminated soil mounds. Does there need to be a concrete or clay base layer under the mound of contaminated ...
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