EPA MAC Grant Guidelines are out!
The FY21 Brownfields Multipurpose, Assessment, and Cleanup Grant Guidelines are now available on the OBLR MARC Grant Application Resources webpage along with other General Program Resources. The application submission deadline is October 28, 2020.
Start drafting your application now and send it to CCLR for review ASAP at [email protected]. We will be accepting draft applications until October 21st, but the earlier you send us your draft the more input and guidance we can provide.
Here are your next steps:
Get all the information you can from upcoming webinars: the US EPA webinar on the guidelines, EPA Region 2’s week-long training, and the National TAB webinar. Go to CCLR’s webinar page to register.
Create an account at TAB EZ to get access to online grant tools and resources, including sample grant applications.
Read the new EPA guidelines to make sure you know what’s new compared to 2019.
Be in touch at [email protected] with any questions! Our goal is to get more money into the regions we serve!