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As another year comes to an end, the Center for Creative Land Recycling took pause to reflect on how our team, partners, and the communities we serve are advancing community needs through brownfield reuse. From climate change resiliency to affordable housing: former brownfields are the foundation for the change we need to create the just, […]
Compromises are, by definition, imperfect. Yet in many brownfields projects, moving forward with cleanup and reuse of an underutilized and potentially hazardous site is dependent on overcoming entrenched positions to find a compromise....
PBI’s work in redevelopment and land reuse started with and continues to revolve around collaboration and engagement....
The City of Emeryville, California is showing the value of patience and persistence in the process of brownfield redevelopment, reaping its latest reward in the form of a long-awaited piece of bike and pedestrian infrastructure, the South Bayfront Bridge...
While brownfields lie idle, they have the potential to negatively impact public health by polluting local air and groundwater supplies, which burdens local neighborhoods with health challenges...
After receiving an EPA Brownfields Multipurpose grant in the spring of 2020, the first step for the City of Ponderay was to perform a community engagement process called Vision-to-Action (V2A). However, outreach during the COVID-19 crisis was a challenge...
To those that have never prepared an EPA Brownfields MARC grant application, it can be daunting. CCLR works to transform pain into gain - free of charge. Continue reading for a review of this grant round and tips and tricks for next year...