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Find out how workforce development funding can work for you Land recycling takes people power. From assessing to cleaning to rebuilding, brownfield projects require a lot of skilled labor. EPA Brownfield Job Training Grants ensure community members benefit from employment opportunities created by brownfield reuse. These grants provide funding to nonprofits, local governments and other […]
Delays within state bureaucracies are increasing costs and threatening the much-needed infill housing lift-off. Summary: Since the turn of the 21st century, California cities and developers have successfully and safely reused urban sites for housing. For...
The extraordinary array of CALRC conference sessions are now available to view! CCLR and our partners at U.S. EPA and DTSC created this year’s California Land Recycling Conference to address the relationship between redevelopment and current issues...
Everybody knows what a webinar is. It’s predictable. Unimaginative. And short-lived. At the onset of COVID, webinars were the most common way of hosting meetings, conferences, and training, raising the specter of endless unimaginative webinars full of P...
Compromises are, by definition, imperfect. Yet in many brownfields projects, moving forward with cleanup and reuse of an underutilized and potentially hazardous site is dependent on overcoming entrenched positions to find a compromise....
PBI’s work in redevelopment and land reuse started with and continues to revolve around collaboration and engagement....
The City of Emeryville, California is showing the value of patience and persistence in the process of brownfield redevelopment, reaping its latest reward in the form of a long-awaited piece of bike and pedestrian infrastructure, the South Bayfront Bridge...