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US EPA Brownfield grants are often a significant source of funding for the assessment and cleanup of sites with potential environmental contamination. In past years, historic levels of funding from the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL) meant more grants and significantly larger grant awards, making it a good investment to submit an application. This year is […]

At the National Brownfields Training Conference in December, CCLR honored three outstanding brownfield redevelopment practitioners with National Brownfields Leadership Awards, given only every two years at the National Brownfields Conference...
You can learn more about federal policy and the National Brownfields Coalition at Brownfields 2019 this December in Los Angeles. Join our panel “Brownfields Policy Breakdown” on Friday, December 13 at 11:45am for a dive into what’s happening in DC...
The Redevelopment Rodeo rides again at Brownfields 2019! The Center for Creative Land Recycling (CCLR), New Jersey Institute of Technology (NJIT), Kansas State University (KSU), and Brownfield Listings are uniting to bring you another herd of brownfields...
The City of Los Angeles has a nationally recognized Brownfields Program that works directly with property owners, community organizations and city agencies to assist with assessment, cleanup and revitalization of brownfield sites...
CCLR convened over 175 land-reuse and community development practitioners from the non-profit, public, and private sectors for “Urban Redevelopment: Building Stronger Communities” this November in Brooklyn...
Sustainability, resilience and livability are prominent issues in our daily lives, and are important in how and what we plan for our communities. Climate change is at the root of these issues...
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