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Find out how workforce development funding can work for you Land recycling takes people power. From assessing to cleaning to rebuilding, brownfield projects require a lot of skilled labor. EPA Brownfield Job Training Grants ensure community members benefit from employment opportunities created by brownfield reuse. These grants provide funding to nonprofits, local governments and other […]
The next round of applications for Multipurpose, Assessment, or Cleanup grants is just months away; the Request for Applications (RFA) is expected to be released in the late summer. Read on for guidance and resources...
The California Land Recycling Conference 2020 (CALRC 2020) is an invaluable virtual gathering that brings together leaders who are working to build community resilience through brownfield remediation and land recycling...
Now in its fifth year, CCLR’s Redevelopment Summit is the largest convening of community, municipal and redevelopment professionals focused on the beneficial reuse of blighted properties. Experts and practitioners will provide professional guidance...
At CCLR, we stand in solidarity with generations of people of color who have experienced the pain caused by systemic racism. CCLR works to drive forward equitable and sustainable land reuse as a part of supporting whole and just communities...
How do we build a better, stronger Virgin Islands? Ahead of the event, I took some time to speak with two experienced practitioners to learn more about the VI’s unique redevelopment challenges, the strides they’ve made thus far, and more...
There’s always a flurry of activity at CCLR and we want to make sure we’re keeping you current with CCLR’s activities. Read on for the first of 2020's noteworthy news items!...