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As another year comes to an end, the Center for Creative Land Recycling took pause to reflect on how our team, partners, and the communities we serve are advancing community needs through brownfield reuse. From climate change resiliency to affordable housing: former brownfields are the foundation for the change we need to create the just, […]
The City of Los Angeles has a nationally recognized Brownfields Program that works directly with property owners, community organizations and city agencies to assist with assessment, cleanup and revitalization of brownfield sites...
CCLR convened over 175 land-reuse and community development practitioners from the non-profit, public, and private sectors for “Urban Redevelopment: Building Stronger Communities” this November in Brooklyn...
Sustainability, resilience and livability are prominent issues in our daily lives, and are important in how and what we plan for our communities. Climate change is at the root of these issues...
No se puede negar que los subsidios federales para los programas ambientales y la transmisión de las experiencias profesionales son catalizadores de todo cuanto hacemos como profesionales en el área de los “Brownfields”...
This year’s National Brownfields Conference (NBC) is shaping up to be informative, impactful, and inspiring. CCLR will have a strong presence at NBC, and an incredible line-up of panels and events!...
The Nuclear Decommissioning Collaborative is the nation's only nuclear decommissioning clearinghouse. It brings together people and resources, questions and answers to clarify this journey and help foster better project outcomes for all stakeholders...