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US EPA Brownfield grants are often a significant source of funding for the assessment and cleanup of sites with potential environmental contamination. In past years, historic levels of funding from the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL) meant more grants and significantly larger grant awards, making it a good investment to submit an application. This year is […]

With its partners, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), and the State of Hawaii Department of Health, etc, CCLR convened workshops on July 10 and 12 to inform and share the brownfields challenges and solutions in Hawai’i...
CCLR’s 3rd Annual NYS Redevelopment Summit included over 52 expert speakers from the public and private sectors who provided essential information to over 250 Summit participants on redevelopment trends, funding, and innovations...
CCLR’s 3rd Annual NYS Redevelopment Summit included over 52 expert speakers from the public and private sectors who provided essential information to over 250 Summit participants on redevelopment trends, funding, etc...
Redevelopment does not happen overnight. Ideas evolve and endure. CCLR’s Vision-to-Action — V2A — brings together stakeholders to inspire better futures for their neighborhoods, such as Richmond’s 23rd Street, Calle 23...
Jean Hamerman, CCLR’s Deputy Director sat down with Lance Robbins, CEO of Urban Smart Growth (USG) to discuss how Lance’s approach to business and life is imprinted on USG’s success and how these lessons provide important insights into our work...
On March 31st, the 23rd Street neighborhood in Richmond came together at Richmond Union High School to reimagine the possibilities for the 23rd Street corridor, also known as Calle 23...
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