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As another year comes to an end, the Center for Creative Land Recycling took pause to reflect on how our team, partners, and the communities we serve are advancing community needs through brownfield reuse. From climate change resiliency to affordable housing: former brownfields are the foundation for the change we need to create the just, […]
Read about one of the projects featured in the “Best of Brewedway” mobile workshop, highlighting the roles that cities and developers play in promoting smart infill development on brownfield sites...
Read about one of the projects featured in the “Best of Brewedway” mobile workshop, highlighting the roles that cities and developers play in promoting smart infill development on brownfield sites...
“Reuse, Refuel, and Revitalize – Sustainable Infill Redevelopment in Emeryville”, California, was a mobile workshop as part of the New Partners for Smart Growth conference...
Land use is definitely one primary variable that impacts sustainability, and given that Earth is now an urban planet with a rapidly changing climate, international exchange focused on sustainable urbanism has never been more critical...
After Hurricane Harvey, Paul Krugman asked, “Why can’t we get cities right?” Perhaps it’s because when we imagine a sustainable city, we are imagining something none of us has ever experienced, as Azby Brown notes in his 2009 book Just Enough: ...
In the blog post that follows, we’re highlighting one of CCLR’s sponsors. I remember taking yard waste to the Santa Clara landfill as a teenager, something you would obviously compost today…landfill redevelopment is the ultimate form of land rec...