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As another year comes to an end, the Center for Creative Land Recycling took pause to reflect on how our team, partners, and the communities we serve are advancing community needs through brownfield reuse. From climate change resiliency to affordable housing: former brownfields are the foundation for the change we need to create the just, […]
I’ve heard of some projects that want to put solar power on brownfield site. Why would we want to do this, and is it even possible? Have any projects succeeded so far? Like all brownfield development, using already-contaminated land for new solar projec...
I’ve heard that some cleanups of landfills and other toxic sites just put a cap over the contamination! Is this safe? Shouldn’t all the hazardous waste be removed instead? In almost all cases, properly designed and monitored caps on landfills can allo...
How does the LEED certification rating system currently consider brownfield and infill redevelopment in its scoring criteria? – Donna D., project manager The US Green Building Council’s (USGBC) Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) cert...
You can find a list of available brownfield sites for redevelopment, but it’s actually much more complicated and nuanced than it appears....