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As another year comes to an end, the Center for Creative Land Recycling took pause to reflect on how our team, partners, and the communities we serve are advancing community needs through brownfield reuse. From climate change resiliency to affordable housing: former brownfields are the foundation for the change we need to create the just, […]
We’ve all been in a boring meeting. Awkward pauses, meandering conversations or no room to speak. What a waste! Remedying common meeting pitfalls has real potential to improve Brownfields projects. Connecting with stakeholders makes the process more equ...
Applying for an EPA MARC Grant may be the most important funding decision you make! CCLR has reviewed hundreds of applications, here are some of our top do’s and don’t ‘s. Do: Have a budget that adds up The easiest way to lose points and credibility...
With 83 content-expert speakers, 23 sponsors and exhibitors, 17 sessions and record-breaking attendance, the 2023 California Land Recycling Conference (CALRC) lived up to its theme – People, Partnerships, Progress. Professionals from across states and i...
Procurement can often be a time-intensive part of grant management, or when you are looking to hire a contractor for services. If not done correctly, grantees can be out of compliance and risk losing their funding. However, with proper procurement, your...
Nevada is a state of extremes. From the hustle and bustle of Las Vegas to ‘The Loneliest Road in America’, Highway 50 which stretches from Baker to Dayton in Northern Nevada, passing through several small towns on its way across the Great Basin Desert...