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US EPA Brownfield grants are often a significant source of funding for the assessment and cleanup of sites with potential environmental contamination. In past years, historic levels of funding from the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL) meant more grants and significantly larger grant awards, making it a good investment to submit an application. This year is […]

How can you stimulate economic development, mitigate environmental injustices, increase affordable housing stock, protect public health, and support community revitalization? Let us introduce you to land reuse and brownfield redevelopment! And before you ...
Land reuse practitioners are constantly innovating to find, develop and implement new ways to offset the negative impacts generated during redevelopment and bring value to communities impacted by brownfields. This work is vitally important as our soci...
Electric vehicles (EVs) are quickly becoming a popular choice for those looking for an environmentally-friendly mode of transportation. In 2022, EVs accounted for 10% of new vehicle sales in the United States, and the country hopes to increase that figure...
On February 13th, 2023 EPA will adopt new All Appropriate Inquiries (AAI) standards. AAI is a process done prior to the purchase of property to assess its environmental condition as part of pre-purchase due diligence. By completing an AAI before taking ow...
CCLR’s on-the-ground efforts are an important way that our organization assists in land recycling. However, in the past couple years CCLR’s in-person events, site visits, meetings and presentations were sidelined due to the COVID pandemic. In 2022 we ...
CCLR Senior Planning and Brownfields Consultants Joelle Greenland, AICP and Tamara Cardona-Marek, PhD visited the Pacific Northwest for a series of events, to present at conferences, and to conduct a series of site visits. Their travels took them from the...
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