Salem, NJ
Project Description
The City of Salem identified a more than 200 acre site along the waterfront in need of redevelopment, of which about 150 acres were brownfields or potential brownfields. They envisioned a vibrant and bustling waterfront community which could be an economic asset, a safe recreational and retail space for Salem residents and a site for environmental conservation once developed.
Salem took a collaborative approach to redevelopment and cleanup. After completing primary environmental assessments independently, the City hopes to work with developers for cleanup on individual sites. As part of this effort, the City used an Opportunity Zone designation to promote redevelopment of contaminated sites while working on cleanup. CCLR aided in coordinating Opportunity Zone management, the City’s redevelopment plan, and brownfield inventory.
To implement grants most effectively and incorporate community feedback, the City partnered with economic development and community organizations such as the local Chamber of Commerce, Economic Development District, a community college, religious groups, and nonprofits. The contributions of these entities coupled with the brownfields steering committee, a committee made up of local governments, nonprofits, volunteers, and private businesses who helped manage the sites, have ensured that the community is engaged with and interested in the development of the waterfront area. CCLR provided marketing and outreach assistance to the City, including property sheet development, connection to relevant resources, and community demographic analysis and engagement assistance.
With brownfield cleanup partially complete, the City is now in the process of promoting sites to developers. The community is already experiencing an influx of interest.

Project Details

Total Area: 160.64 acres in brownfield target areas

Previous uses: Landfill, landfill drainage, wastewater treatment plant, recycling facility, heating oil bulk storage facility, gasoline service station, gas site, coal gas site, machine shop, gas station, processing plant, industrial facilities

Current uses: To be determined / Capped landfill and conservation/preservation zone

Benefits: Conservation/preservation, future employment opportunities, to be determined

Financing: EPA Brownfield Grants, NJ Economic Development Authority low-interest financing, NJ Department of Environmental Protection loans and grants, and more

Services provided: Assistance regarding brownfield inventory and Opportunity Zone; marketing, outreach, and property sheet development; connection with relevant resources; review of brownfield inventory, redevelopment plan and community demographics and engagement; grant assistance
Photo Gallery
Partner Organizations
The City of Salem has spearheaded the effort to remediate and redevelop brownfield site at the Salem waterfront since 2005. The City established a Brownfields Steering Committee, made up of city officials, nonprofit representatives, company representatives, and community volunteers, to manage the site.
Salem is part of the Community Collaborative Initiative (CCI), a NJ DEP program intended to facilitate its involvement in brownfield cleanup and redevelopment. As part of CCI, Salem works with a community liason who coordinates efforts that would benefit from NJ DEP involvement.
Salem received several major grants from the EPA to manage assessment and clean-up of the waterfront redevelopment area. They also received CCLR technical assistance through our partnership with the EPA.