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El Centro para el Reciclaje Creativo de Tierras unió fuerzas con la organización sin fines de lucro Mujeres de la Tierra de Los Ángeles para organizar un taller nocturno para educar y facilitar la discusión sobre la reutilización de la tierra...
The Center for Creative Land Recycling joined forces with Los Angeles non-profit Mujeres de la Tierra to host an evening workshop to provide education and facilitate discussion surrounding land reuse and the LA River Revitalization...
The Center for Creative Land Recycling (CCLR) traveled to the City of West Sacramento on July 23rd and 24th, 2019 to film our newest video project. This micro-documentary will feature projects in the City of West Sacramento along with three more speakers...
The Martinez Sustainable Redevelopment and Land Recycling workshop focused on specific topics regarding resilience along shorelines and waterfronts. The workshop aimed to provide tools and insights needed to advance land reuse projects at all stages...
The Washington State Brownfields Conference held on May 29-30, 2019 was a long time coming - the state had not had a brownfields conference designed for community, local, tribal and nonprofit stakeholders since the early 2010’s...
Not only are the folks at New Belgium Brewing Company the brewers and creators of the “Fat Tire” Ale, but they are also environmentalists...
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