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Spokane demonstrates how patience and perseverance bridge the occasional sparks that reinvigorate their planning and development efforts...
Redevelopment does not happen overnight. Ideas evolve and endure. CCLR’s Vision-to-Action — V2A — brings together stakeholders to inspire better futures for their neighborhoods, such as Richmond’s 23rd Street, Calle 23...
On March 31st, the 23rd Street neighborhood in Richmond came together at Richmond Union High School to reimagine the possibilities for the 23rd Street corridor, also known as Calle 23...
Almost five months after the climate disasters in Puerto Rico, hundreds of thousands of homes are still without basic utilities. To fill the void, the Center for Creative Land Recycling (CCLR), along with local and national partners, set out to create an ...
Read about one of the projects featured in the “Best of Brewedway” mobile workshop, highlighting the roles that cities and developers play in promoting smart infill development on brownfield sites...
Read about one of the projects featured in the “Best of Brewedway” mobile workshop, highlighting the roles that cities and developers play in promoting smart infill development on brownfield sites...
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