CCLR’s library of resources has hundreds of valuable videos, publications, and funding sources to help you along your redevelopment journey.
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This resource provides tips for all portions of the FY25 EPA Coalition Assessment Grants...
This resource provides tips for all portions of the FY25 EPA Cleanup Grant application...
River Network's Equitable Development Toolkit is specifically designed to help practitioners think strategically about how to increase parks and tree cover in disadvantaged communities without increasing gentrification and displacement. Access this resour...
The Art of ARC Webinar Recording
This webinar included tips for drafting and submitting an EPA Assessment, RLF or Cleanup Brownfields Grant Application in FY25. ...
This webinar included tips for drafting and submitting an EPA Assessment, RLF or Cleanup Brownfields Grant Application in FY25. ...
Access the Washington Brownfield Workshop slides to gain valuable insights into technical assistance resources, funding avenues, and strategies....
Example of a support letter from DTSC for EPA brownfield grants...
Applicants for a U.S. EPA brownfields assessment, cleanup or revolving loan fund grant must submit a letter from a state environmental agency as part of their proposal. This information provides instructions on how to obtain such a letter from DTSC....
Advancing Equity in Land Reuse Planning and Visioning Webinar Recording
This interactive workshop is designed to help land reuse practitioners with varying levels of experience and capacity integrate equity best practices into their land reuse projects. The workshop featured case studies and tools from our recently published ...