The Center for Creative Land Recycling (CCLR ‘See-Clear’) was founded in 1998 to help communities navigate the confusing and complicated landscape of brownfield reuse. As the oldest national nonprofit organization dedicated to the remediation and reuse of brownfields, CCLR is a trusted independent partner here to assist at every step of the process. Brownfield redevelopment is a cross disciplinary challenge, from environmental engineering to land planning, economic development and community visioning. Our team of expert advisors and subject matter experts are here to help you meet your community’s revitalization goals. What’s more, most of our services are free of charge to eligible entities in our service area.
CCLR serves as a Technical Assistance to Brownfield Communities (TAB) Provider to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). We also provide similar support under the California Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC) brownfield grants. These programs allow us to offer our brownfield support services free-of-charge to eligible entities. Keep scrolling to learn about all our technical assistance services.
CCLR provides cost-free technical assistance to State and local governments, Tribes, Not-for-profit organizations, Housing authorities, Development agencies, and Other public entities within our service area. Through other partnerships we are able to assist with community-led redevelopment, brownfield advocacy, and renewable energy siting to communities throughout the United States.
See All Our Programs and Partnerships
If you are part of a private/for profit entity or other group, or are located outside of CCLR’s service areas, please see information on our consulting services or contact us at [email protected] for information on how we may be able to provide discounted support based on project merit and demonstration of need.
Getting Started
CCLR connects communities with grants to find, investigate and cleanup brownfields. Our technical assistance services also provide training and support to start or restart your brownfield program, develop end-use visioning, and everything in between.
Planning & Community Engagement
End use planning and visioning driven by the community can answer important questions and improve your reuse project. The Center for Creative Land Recycling offers cost-free support engage with your community and develop a plan for your brownfields.
Funding Redevelopment
The most successful land reuse projects layer funding and incentives from a variety of different funding sources. CCLR can help you identify the right grants, private financing options, and incentives that meet your community’s needs and land reuse vision.
Grant Management
Effective brownfield grant management and understanding federal procurement policies are essential for redevelopment success. CCLR can help you stay on track and in compliance with your EPA grant.
Cleanup Support
The types and concentrations of contaminants, and what end use you have in mind, can make big differences in how you approach site cleanup/remediation. CCLR can provide expert advice to help you make decisions and navigate cleanup requirements.
Equitable & Sustainable Reuse
Brownfield reuse offers an opportunity to improve and strengthen your community by transforming past harms into lasting solutions for challenges including affordable housing, jobs, and climate resiliency.
Consulting Services
Learn more about how we can add to your project, Request For Qualifications/Proposal response, grant application, or other partnership opportunities.