Site Assessment & Cleanup

Site Assessment & Cleanup

The road to brownfields redevelopment can be complex, EPA outlines the entire process here. Investigating and cleaning up contamination at a brownfield property is critical to returning a property to beneficial use. This work can be as simple as an assessment that finds no contamination, or as lengthy as remedial investigations and complex cleanup. As your technical assistance provider CCLR helps you navigate the site assessment & cleanup processes to protect human health and the environment.

Schedule a meeting to tell us more about what phase your project is in and what support you need! Then, we’ll connect you to our environmental consultants who provide expert insights free of charge.

Getting you started:

  • Navigate:
    • All Appropriate Inquiries (AAI)
    • Site assessment
    • Cleanup process
  • Explore funding opportunities including:
  • Support with scope of work & grant management
    • Compliance with procurement & grant administration
    • Community engagement

Staying on track:

  • Facilitate conversations with applicable state agencies.
  • Interpret environmental technical reports including:
    • Phase I and Phase II Environmental Site Assessments
    • Remedial investigations/ site characterization
    • Analysis of brownfields cleanup alternatives (ABCA)
    • Evaluation of cleanup alternatives
    • Feasibility studies
    • Cleanup plans

Getting the job done:

  • Understand options for abatement, cleanup, and reuse
  • Communicate results to the community.



Tamara Cardona-Marek, PhD

Senior Brownfield Consultant

Tamara, an environmental scientist, holds 20 years of experience in academia, federal, and state environmental agencies. She led the regulatory oversight for several contaminated site cleanups in WA and AK. In WA, she also contributed to developing the Affordable Housing Cleanup Grant Program, focused on funding brownfields cleanups for affordable housing reuse. Tamara holds a doctorate in Environmental Sciences.

Headshot of an equitable and sustainable reuse expert at CCLR

Sebastian Harrison, PE

Brownfield Revitalization Specialist

Sebastian joined CCLR with 7 years of experience in Chemical Industry helping to cleanup and redevelop contaminated sites. He has expertise in sustainability, including brownfield revitalization, waste management, environmental policy, solar implementation, and life cycle analysis. He plays a key role in managing the Equitable Community Revitalization Grant, aiding applicants and grantees in planning and executing brownfield projects. Sebastian assists in designing budgets aligned with remediation success and provides expertise on Sustainable Remediation.

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