Support CCLR's Vital Work

There are many ways to support our vision for healthy, equitable, and vibrant communities. In 2023, CCLR assisted 255 unique entities/communities, and 68% of the communities we assisted are considered disadvantaged under Justice40. With increased funding and attention being given to correcting environmental injustice, and developing climate-adapted and equitable development – CCLR’s work is more important than ever!

Read CCLR’s 2023 Impact Report

CCLR is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. All contributions are tax deductible to the extent allowable by law.

Your company or organization can support CCLR by becoming a Member while enjoying benefits like recognition on our website and connecting with our Board and leadership. Join our network!

Your contributions can help us deliver brownfield assistance to the communities that most need it. Make a tax-deductible donation today.

CCLR convened over 1,500 stakeholders via events and workshops in 2022. Sponsor an event to help us deliver key brownfields information.

Your unique expertise can contribute to our team! Reach out to learn about open RFQ’s and other partnership opportunities.

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